If you want to pay your home loan or invest, you need to know whether you should pay off debt first or rather invest your money. Read our affordability study on paying your home loan vs investing to know whether it is better to pay off a mortgage or to invest.
If you want to pay your home loan or invest, you need to know whether you should pay off debt first or rather invest your money. Read our affordability study on paying your home loan vs investing to know whether it is better to pay off a mortgage or to invest.
Unfortunately, only 6% of South Africans get to retire happily and comfortably due to a lack of proactive saving and investing. Retirement is a real thing and yes, happy retirement does not come cheap. Or does it?
In the current Rand situation, it can be an attractive option to invest offshore. But before you choose any one of these, it is first necessary to name that principle as old as time itself – don’t put all your eggs in one basket
The wonderful thing about being young is that you can take a few calculated risks. There is time to ride out the storm.
The reality is that it’s super risky business to invest with a loan. The investment you make with the borrowed funds should obviously rake in a much higher return on investment through capital gains or dividends than the interest amounting on your loan.
You undoubtedly know the worth of saving for a rainy day and investing in and for your future self, your family, and your children. It’s crucial that you have funds acc
You might still be wondering – Can You Start a Business in an Economic Crisis?? The short answer is – Yes, the long answer is – aye aye captain! Now you can almost hear the waves and taste the salty sea breeze, ready to set sail? Wait, but first, what is a business?
In our daily lives, we come across and make use of compounds. Things like table salt, sugar, tea, and coffee are but to name a few. There are 1000s out there. Most of t
Tax versus Fees, why the question? Let’s rewind to the 1860s, John Wanamaker, a Philadelphia retailer figured his customers and salesmen had better things to
Remember the piggy bank? Most of us had one when we were younger. Every so often we’d put a few cents into the slot on its back and we’d be very happy about it and the
Fincheck is a financial comparisons website that organises information to assist the borrower in making their best financial decision.
Fincheck gathers information from numerous banking partners and presents it to the borrower in a simple, understandable way. Lenders benefit from an additional market place and extensive customer reach. Loan amounts vary from lender to lender. Fees, interest rates, loan amounts and credit scores influence the repayment terms. Lenders require personal details to control their risk and assist the government to combat theft, money laundering, terrorism. Fincheck does not endorse any particular product or company. We are an independent company. The information shown and provided is an opinion, based on numbers and must not be seen as advice or consultation.
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