Simply put, a credit score reflects a score summary of all your financial decisions. It is often used by lenders, such as home loan and personal loan companies, to make accurate decisions on whether they should lend to you or not.
Simply put, a credit score reflects a score summary of all your financial decisions. It is often used by lenders, such as home loan and personal loan companies, to make accurate decisions on whether they should lend to you or not.
Today, let's look at one of the other main features of the Fincheck MyFinance Tool - Credit Scores and Loan Management. This feature of the tool will build out on our groundbreaking Credit Score tool released in November.
Debt review, also known as debt counselling, is a debt relief measure created in terms of the National Credit Act (NCA) to assist consumers that are over-indebted. This is done through budget advice, restructuring of debts and negotiating with creditors.
2017 is on us with a bang, and we're sure many of you want to make it your best year yet! So, to help you make the best of a fresh year, we put together some tips to help you get rid of that weighty debt.
Imagine a world where you could check your credit score in a secure, safe and friendly environment - for FREE. Even better, how about that happening within a minute? Well, the Fincheck team is happy to announce that this feature is now a reality and doesn't need to be part of (only) your imaginary world. Say hello to the MyFincheck Credit Score Tool!
In this article, we're going over some of the top 5 credit card options in South Africa and benefits that are unique to each. We'll also show you how to handle credit responsibly!
Difficult financial situations can happen to anyone and usually bring with it more stress than we're willing to face. While it's tempting to try and reason about "why me?", it's more important to deal with the situation and get yourself back on track!
Many of us walk around with a cost mentality, often dropping our heads in a sorry attitude when walking past things we cannot afford. What if, you get to spend money and pay off your loan, at exactly the same time? Yes, you’re not seeing double, it’s possible!
You have an overdraft to your disposal, but is it perhaps a better option to use a credit card? What is a credit card?
Running your bank account doesn't need to cost so much – in actual fact, if you stay in the clear and use your cards carefully, you might even pay just shy of next to n
Fincheck is a financial comparisons website that organises information to assist the borrower in making their best financial decision.
Fincheck gathers information from numerous banking partners and presents it to the borrower in a simple, understandable way. Lenders benefit from an additional market place and extensive customer reach. Loan amounts vary from lender to lender. Fees, interest rates, loan amounts and credit scores influence the repayment terms. Lenders require personal details to control their risk and assist the government to combat theft, money laundering, terrorism. Fincheck does not endorse any particular product or company. We are an independent company. The information shown and provided is an opinion, based on numbers and must not be seen as advice or consultation.
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